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Home Entertainment 5 Books To Inspire You This International Women's Day

Although International Women’s Day is just one day out of the year, that doesn’t mean you can't be a girlboss 24/7. But, what does that really mean? Besides living your best life and working hard, a girlboss prioritizes her mental health and supports and uplifts other women (big yes).

Not sure where to start? Here are 5 empowering books to add to your TBR list.

Take Up Space: The Unprecedented AOC by Lisa Miller

When the world said ‘Women aren’t supposed to run for office’ Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) said STFU. If you’re not already obsessed with Congresswoman AOC, you will be after you read this book. From a waitress and bartender to the youngest woman to serve as a representative in the United States history, this biography is an empowering read for all.

The Mountain is You by Brianna Wiest

“Transforming self sabotage into self mastery”
Being a girlboss isn’t just about the hustle, it’s also about doing the internal work, so you can show up every day as your best self. If you’re the kind of gal that has a bunch of amazing ideas, but struggles to bring them to fruition, this book should be added to your reading list RN. 

From building more resilience to understanding and releasing deep traumas, this book will give you the tools you need to step into your highest self.

Bad Feminist: Essays by Roxane Gay

Is there a right and wrong way to be a feminist? If you’re trying to figure out how you can be the best advocate for women’s rights, this book outlines an inclusive and intersectional approach to feminism. 

The author, Roxane Gay, also discusses her experiences as a black woman and her struggles finding mainstream representation. If you’re looking to broaden your perspective on the feminist movement, this book is an essential. 

She Must Be Mad by Charly Cox

Feel like you feel too much? You’re not alone. A book that brings poetry and mental health together, this is the perfect read for when your emotions are getting the better of you. Going from a teen to a woman is weird and the feelings that come with it are ever weirder. But, this book is a reminder that you don’t have to do it by yourself.

What I Know For Sure by Oprah Winfrey

Ever wish you could sit down with Oprah Winfrey and receive all her best advice? Read this book and that’s exactly what you’ll get. She discusses the importance of valuing friendships with women and how supporting the females in your life is the best thing you could do. If you never got the chance to sit in her audience and hear ‘YOU GET A CAR, YOU GET A CAR, EVERYONE GETS A FREE CAR’ then this is your next best option.

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